Our History
December 15, 2022 2022-12-15 10:08<strong>Our History</strong>
Our History

The Institute of Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (SMMI), the missionary branch is born from the society of the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales. https://www.smmisisters.org/
This society was founded in Paris on 15 October 1872, by Fr. Henri Chaumont and Madam Carre de Malberg, to live and spread evangelical charity in the world. This Society was founded for lay women: married, widows or unmarried, etc…, to live the Gospel in their milieu according to the Spirituality of St Francis de Sales. This Society spread very rapidly in France and other European countries. Fr Henri Chaumont himself wanted to be a missionary but he could not realize it due to his ill health.
The missionary branch was formed in 1885, setting out its first missionary journey to India on 12th October 1889 led by pioneers Mother Marie Gertrude, Mother Marie de Kostka, Sr. Magdalene and Sr. Joseph who responded to the appeal made by the bishop of Nagpur. They arrived Nagpur on 2nd November 1889 and found their temporary shelter in a small house in Nagpur. They began their ministries offering shelter to the orphans & Widows in our Asylum, Family visits, Caring for Sick, Lepers, Blind & TB Patients and imparting knowledge to the poor children with great enthusiasm and learned the local language and began serving the local people.
In Karnataka, the first foundation was St. Mary’s Convent, Chamarajpet which originated in July 1914. The SMMI in Karnataka launched into the fields of education by establishing St. Teresa’s Educational institute at Chamarajpet, Bangalore in the year 1925.
The Province of Karnataka grew progressively spreading across 10 districts of Karnataka and one district of Andhra Pradesh comprising 23 communities. In 2008 the province of Karnataka had the joy of laying a new foundation in West Africa in the diocese of Sunyani, Ghana.
A small seed that was sown in the year 1872 has today grown into a massive tree, sheltering under its wings a thousands of young girl students, particularly from poorer section of society, imparting to them value based education despite of caste, creed and molding them into truly responsible citizens and future mothers of our country.
The institute is an International organization and sisters live in multicultural communities in harmony and solidarity, thereby witnessing to the vitality and the diversity of the Church.
Inspired by Jesus, our divine teacher and our foundresses we the sisters of the SMMI, The Mary Salian Society, Karnataka Province are urged:
- To enable our staff and students to grow in all aspect of human and spiritual life.
- To create an atmosphere in which they become persons actively responsible towards family, society, country and the world at large, and thus promote love, peace and justice.
100 years have passed since the establishment of Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (SMMI) in Karnataka. It is a great landmark in the annals of our Institute. The history of the past 100 years has been replete with achievements for our Institute. Its expansion, the numerous vocations and good done in so many spheres could be possible due to the generous response which the sisters have given. We render our service to humanity in educational, social, healthcare and other activities. Our educational institutes have been founded for the education of children who are poor and destitute. In spite of all kinds of pressure, struggles and difficulties we still try to keep up our thrust and attempt various means to expand and grow.
Different blocks of – TERESA’S EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION, Chamarajpet, Bengaluru
- Pre-Nursery & Nursery
- Kannada & English Medium – Primary School
- Kannada & English Medium – High School
- El.Ed
- Degree College (UG & PG)