February 21, 2023 2023-02-21 9:39Yoga
At St. Teresa’s, the practice of Yoga is a regular feature. As is well-documented, Yoga, which had its origin in ancient India, is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, deep breathing techniques, meditation and relaxation, primarily to promote mental and physical well-being.
Recognizing the significance of Yoga for students, the Bangalore City University (BCU) has introduced Yoga as a subject of study in the Degree curriculum. Yoga Postures and Yoga Asanas are more than just an exercise to de-stress.
Hence, Yoga for students is a blessing indeed and is increasing its popularity across the student community. It has become a way of living among the youth today with yoga postures, yoga exercises and yoga asanas known to improve concentration levels and aid in studies.

At St. Teresa’s, the practice of Yoga is a regular feature. As is well-documented, Yoga, which had its origin in ancient India, is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, deep breathing techniques, meditation and relaxation, primarily to promote mental and physical well-being.
Recognizing the significance of Yoga for students, the Bangalore City University (BCU) has introduced Yoga as a subject of study in the Degree curriculum. Yoga Postures and Yoga Asanas are more than just an exercise to de-stress.
Hence, Yoga for students is a blessing indeed and is increasing its popularity across the student community. It has become a way of living among the youth today with yoga postures, yoga exercises and yoga asanas known to improve concentration levels and aid in studies.
Training is imparted to our students in various Asanas, like Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Vrikshasana (Tree Pose), Shavasana (Corpse Pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Suryanamaskar(Sun Salutation), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Paadahasthasana (Hand Under Foot Yoga Pose), Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward-facing Dog Pose), etc.
The above Yoga postures, yoga asanas and yoga exercises make the students flexible, alert and active not only to improve your concentration in studies but in sports and extra-curricular activities as well. Regular practicing of yoga would help the students to focus better on studies and also keep stress and anxiety away.
The students at St. Teresa’s enthusiastically participate in the yoga exercises and asanas. Initially, of-course, it appears like doing some physical fitness exercise, but gradually the participants realise and experience the positive impact on their body and mind. Doing yoga not only keeps them calm but also improves their memory and concentration that would ultimately help them fare better in their exams.

In addition to the above said asanas, gradually our students are introduced to several other asanas, like Matsyasana (Fish Pose), Veerasana (Hero Pose), Vajrasana (Diamond or Thunderbolt (Pose)
Some particular yoga asanas like Surya Namaskar are favourites among the students community, as this Asana increases the blood flow to the brain, thus improving concentration levels. Suryanamaskar can be practised by everyone for a healthy mind and body. It includes 12 poses, which engages different parts and organs of your body. It improves the flexibility and strength of the mind and body. It also keeps your mind relax and calm.
International Day of Yoga:
Ever since the United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate International Day of Yoga on June 21 every year, starting from the year 2015 with the theme, “Yoga for Harmony and Peace” for that year, St. Teresa’s has been celebrating Yoga Day (International Day of Yoga) in the college every year on June 21, starting from the academic year 2016-17. The theme for 2016 was: “Connect the Youth”.
In this regard, St. Teresa’s has developed an informal tie-up with “Manasa Foundation (Light Channel)”, an organization that is spreading the message: when we channel and spread light around, light enters our hearts and homes, and transforms the darkness in our thoughts and emotions. Then, individuals transform. With individuals, the world transforms.

Ms. Usha Satischandra from the above organization had come to our college and taught our students the art and science of Yoga, meditation and their benefits.
On another occasion, Mrs. Geetha, Yoga Teacher from Viveka Hamsa was the guest in our college. She mainly focused on student point of view and demonstrated eye exercise, warm up, yogasana, surya namaskara, vajrasana, concentration development exercises, meditations, etc. Students performed all the aasanas along with her.
Similarly, our own faculty, Ms. Rekha M N, HoD, Humanities, conducts yoga sessions, with Asanas, like Svastikasana, Gomukhasan, Padmasana, Veerasana, Bhadra-asana for the benefit of our students and faculties.
The list would go on. Our students continue of practice the art and science of Yoga for endurance, strength, calmness, flexibility, and well-being, both physical and mental.